Wellward Regenerative Medicine Phone (859) 275-4878


A patient-centered approach to chiropractic care at Wellward.

Feeling pain-free after MLS therapy at Wellward

Chiropractic Care at Wellward

Wellward believes in a patient-centered approach to chiropractic care. This means your well-being, specific needs, and concerns are our top priority. We understand how significantly musculoskeletal disorders—like back pain, neck pain, headaches, and joint issues—can disrupt your daily life. As such, our chiropractors deliver a hands-on, drug-free approach that is entirely centered on you.

Our process actively involves you in the diagnosis, treatment, and preventive aspects of your condition, thereby empowering you to be a key part of your healing journey. By harnessing the body's natural healing capabilities and recognizing the uniqueness of each patient, we're able to devise individualized treatment plans that consider your symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle factors.

Using manual adjustments, gentle manipulations, and a variety of therapeutic techniques, our aim is to restore proper alignment and functionality to your musculoskeletal system. Rather than just managing symptoms, we address the root cause of your discomfort, promoting long-lasting healing and overall wellness.

But our patient-centered approach doesn't stop there. Beyond providing immediate relief from pain and discomfort, we emphasize education and preventive measures. This way, we empower you to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle on your own terms.

At Wellward Medical, you're at the heart of your chiropractic care. We're here to support and guide you every step of the way. Let us help you embark on a journey towards better health and well-being.

Schedule a consultation or learn more from any of our free resources and take the first step on your path to well-being. Let Wellward be your partner in a healthier, more vibrant life.
Woman able to do yoga after having chiropractic care at Wellward.

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