Wellward Regenerative Medicine Phone (859) 275-4878

Talk Therapy Reinvented

Wellward's progressive and comprehensive approach that's directed at thriving, not just surviving.

Beautiful pastel skies and blue lake gives the feeling of peace like TMS therapy can do for you.

Talk Therapy Energized

Most talk therapy today is confined to coping skill development or mere conversation about thoughts and feelings. In contrast, Wellward's approach is progressive, comprehensive, and directed at thriving, not just surviving. "Mental Energy" is a core component of Wellward's multifaceted HEAL philosophy, underpinning our comprehensive mental health therapy.

Women happy because they've had talk therapy at Wellward.

At Wellward, our approach to mental health transcends mere coping; it's about authentic healing. With services ranging from psychiatry to mental health therapy, we deliver personalized and innovative care to help you reclaim and reaffirm your true self. Visit our clinic to explore our services, meet our compassionate team, and book an appointment.

Let Wellward be your gateway to transformative mental well-being. Schedule an appointment today .

What is Wellward's Approach to Talk Therapy

Mental health encompasses personality, life events, biology, and behaviors. Therefore, it doesn't make sense to separate talk therapy from medical management. Wellward's approach integrates psychology with applied neuroplasticity, helping your nervous system return to its default state of safety and reversing chronic mental or physical health conditions.

Advances in trauma neuroscience have revealed that injury to the autonomic nervous system (ANS) can cause PTSD, anxiety, and depression. The ANS maintains the balance between “fight or flight” and “rest/repair” states. Emotional trauma, physical illness, or chronic pain can force the ANS into a continuous “fight or flight state,” seemingly hindering the body's ability to reset.

Without this ability, the body remains trapped in ongoing anxiety and fear, leading to digestive issues, weakened immunity, and even increased pain. Depression may arise as a reaction to this imbalance, showing itself through fatigue, brain fog, and sadness. Wellward uses applied neuroplasticity, or "brain retraining," to reset the ANS to a safe default state.

Our approach uses mindful techniques to move beyond rigid thought patterns, employing sensory experiences to liberate emotions. Somatic or Mind-body Therapy facilitates the release of negative feelings, rather than just talking about them. This method surpasses conventional Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies (CBT) by uniting thoughts, feelings, and sensations, aiding the nervous system's reboot, and easing symptoms.

Pain and mood disorders affect more than functionality; they erode our identity and self-image. Losing activities that define us—such as caregiving, professional success, or creative expression—can be devastating. We offer diverse approaches to help you reaffirm your ideal self, embracing life's changes without abandoning hope. Mindfulness, group classes, individual therapy, and Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy assist your nervous system reset, enabling you to regain your quality of life.

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